About Jaime-

I have been a licensed occupational therapist for over 20 years. The majority of my career has been spent working with children and their families. I took my first pelvic floor therapy course out of curiosity, and immediately found it by equal measures intense, exiting and quite fulfilling.

There are so many women and men living with things for which there is help. Shame, nor embarrassment, should not be a barrier to seeking help. Settling should not be an option. I pursued continued training in pelvic floor therapy so that I would have the knowledge to start the conversation. To normalize the ability to discuss real issues that affect so many men and women in very real ways.

My practice is informed by the understanding that everybody and every body is worthy. That healing is a process that begins with the very act of speaking your story. My goal is for women and men to feel whole in their bodies. To cultivate a deeper awareness of their bodies, to seek balance, and to honor and love their bodies every step of the way, no matter where they are in the process.

My approach to wellness and healing is also informed by my decades long practices of yoga, meditation, creative movement and art.

I believe in community and have a wide range of other professionals contacts who can be of service when needed.


What guides my practice?

To help men, women, and children overcome their challenges, love their bodies, and feel confident to live the life they want.